Market Updates

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Dane County home prices increased by 12 percent in April, as low supply and high demand continued to be the two big themes in early 2022. Here's our latest single family home update covering all of the most important trends in Dane County.

Dane County home prices

The price per square foot increased to $213, a new record for our market. Madison area home prices were up by 12% in the month of April and by 16% year-to-date. 

Madison WI Home Prices April 2022

New MLS listings

New listings continued to enter the market at a slow pace. Only 681 single family homes were listed for sale in the month of April, which was the third lowest total for the month dating back to the year 2000. Dane County listings were down by 10% in April and by 13% through the first four months of the

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Dane County condo prices reached new highs in the month of March, as high demand and low supply continued to push the market higher. Here's our latest report covering all of the latest trends in the Madison area condo market.

Price per square foot

For the first time ever, the price per square foot reached $200 in Dane County. The price per square foot increased by 7% in March and by 9% year-to-date.

Madison WI Condo Prices March 2022

New MLS listings

Only 202 condos were listed for sale in March, which was down 8% from the 220 condos listed in March of 2021. Through the first quarter of 2022, new listings were lower by 10 percent from the year before.

Dane County Condo New MLS Listings March 2022

Available listings and months of supply

As of April 10th, only 116 condo listings and .8 months of inventory were

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As we approach another Earth Day, we can’t help but acknowledge how climate change is impacting our local real estate market. In the last few months alone, we’ve heard from families in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah who are planning to move to Madison due to the changing environmental conditions out west. Collectively our clients have mentioned wildfires, excessive smoke, excessive heat, and a diminishing water supply as the reasons for their move.

Dane County WI Real Estate

It’s here. And if we allow climate change to continue unabated, then climate-related migration could create population and environmental pressures in Dane County in ways that we never imagined. 

Which begs some important questions:

  • How will we as individuals and as a community limit

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Dane County home prices rose 16% in March, as high demand and low inventory continued to create an ideal market for sellers. Here are all of the latest trends for the Dane County single family home market, covering the month of March, 2022.

New single family home listings

A total of 644 single family homes were listed for sale in the month of March, which was the lowest March total on record (our data goes back to 1999). Listing volume decreased by 14% year-over-year and by 16% year-to-date. 

Madison WI New MLS Listings March 2022

When we break our data into weekly trends, we see for the first time this year, the number of new listings increased when compared to the same week from the year before. A total of 175 homes were listed for sale during the 14th week of 2022, compared to

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Dane County condo prices continue to rise in early 2022, as a large number of buyers compete for a limited supply of condos. Here's our latest update on the Madison area condo market -- updated through the month of February, 2022. 

Dane County condo prices

The condo price per square foot jumped to $187 in February, which was a new record for the month and an increase of 8% year-over-year.

Madison WI Condo Prices Feb 2022

New MLS listings

A low supply of new listings continues to create a friendly market for condo sellers. Only 136 new Dane County condo listings entered the market in February, which was the 6th lowest total for the month dating back to the year 2000.

Dane County condo mls listings Feb 2022

Active listings and months of supply

As of March 22nd, only 101 Madison area condo listings were

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Dane County single family home prices moved significantly higher in February, as buyers continued to compete for a limited supply of homes. Here's our quick update covering all of the latest trends in the Madison area single family home market. 

New MLS listings

Only 404 single family homes were listed on the MLS in the month of February, which was a 25% decrease from February of 2021 and a record low for the month. 

Madison WI New MLS Listings First 2 Wks of March

When we break the data down into weekly trends, we can see that new listing activity continued along record-low levels during the first two weeks of March. 

Madison WI Listings first 2 weeks of March 2022

Available listings and months of supply

With fewer listings entering the market, only 251 single family home listings were available (without an accepted offer) as

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Prices keep rising for single family homes, and they're rising for condominiums, too. Here's our latest update on all of the important trends in the Madison area condo market.

January Dane County condo prices

The price per square foot increased by 12 percent year-over-year, while the average price and median price increased by 13% and 7%, respectively.

Madison WI Condo Prices Jan 2022

New MLS listings

A scarcity of new listings is one big reason for higher prices. Only 94 condos were listed for sale last month, which was a new low for the month of January.

New Madison WI MLS Condo Listings Jan 2022

Months of supply

As of February 12th, only 86 condo listings were available for purchase, which is the equivalent of .6 months of inventory. Where will inventory go from here? Check out this recent article for

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In the past few months we've been sharing some of the key trends impacting supply and demand for Dane County real estate. Here's a quick recap:

On the demand side

We see plenty of strength in the years ahead for two key reasons:

  1. The millennial generation, America's largest, is aging into its prime years for homeownership. 
  2. Dane County is the fastest growing region in the state, and we expect many more people will continue to move here for reputation, quality of life, economic, and climate-related reasons. 

On the supply side

We see two big trends at play that will continue to limit inventory and support higher prices:

  1. Foreclosures are occurring near historically low levels, and we expect distressed sales to remain low for the
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The Dane County real estate market continues to run very hot even though we're in the midst of the winter season. Here's our latest update covering all of the most important trends in the Madison area single family home market.

Dane County competing offers

Our preliminary data for the month of December shows competing offers continued to trend at record-high levels at the end of 2021. Forty-one percent of the contracts written in December involved multiple offers, compared to just 34 percent in December of 2020, and 23 percent in December of 2019.

Madison WI Competing Offers Dec 2021

Dane County home prices

When competing offers are at an all-time high, we expect record high home prices to follow once the transactions close 30 to 60 days later. This was certainly the case in

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Foreclosures were once a major source of housing inventory in Dane County, but not anymore. Check out this chart which shows the number of annual Dane County foreclosure filings dating back to the year 2000. 

Madison WI Foreclosures 2000 to 2021

Will foreclosures rise in 2022?

Many people are wondering, now that the foreclosure moratorium has been lifted, if we'll see a spike in bank-owned properties in the months ahead. Although we do expect foreclosure filings to rise in 2022, we don't expect the increase to be significant.

The reason is the number of people with delinquent mortgages is relatively low right now. Plus, many of the people who are behind on their payments do have equity in their homes, so they'll be able to restructure their loans and avoid foreclosure once they

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