Market Updates

Articles about the Dane County and Madison Real Estate Market

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Condo sellers continued to cash in on historically high prices in the month of June. At the same time, we're seeing clear signs of a mellowing market. Here's our latest Dane County condo market report -- covering the month of June, 2022.

June Dane County condo prices

The price per square foot increased by 7% in the month of June and by 8% year-to-date. Compared to June of 2020, the June price per square foot was up by a whopping 30 percent. To put this in perspective: if you purchased a condo for $200,000 just two years ago, you same condo is now worth approximately $260,000. 

Madison WI Condo Prices June 2022

Condo inventory as of July 22nd

As of July 22nd, 156 condominiums were available for sale -- without an accepted offer -- in Dane County. Although inventory is still

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It's pretty remarkable how much inventory levels have grown from rock-bottom lows in the span of 5 short months. Here's a quick look at the latest inventory trends in the Madison area. 

Home supply has more than doubled since February.

As of July 22nd, a total of 566 Dane County homes were available for sale, a new high for the year.

Madison WI Single Family Home Inventory July 22 2022

And condo supply is up by more than 80 percent.

A total of 156 Dane County condos were available for sale on July 22nd, also a new high.

Madison WI Condo Inventory July 22 2022

As inventory is increasing, so is opportunity.

What real estate opportunities are you hoping to explore in the coming year? Please reach out to your Mad City Dream Homes realtor for a helpful conversation. We're always up for talking real estate, and never with any

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Dane County home prices were up significantly in the month of June. At the same time, we see clear signs of a market trending toward more balance, where there will be a lot more give and take between buyers and sellers in the months ahead. Here's our latest single family home update -- covering the month of June, 2022. 

June Dane County home prices

The price per square foot was up by 15% year-over-year and 15% year-to-date. Note the average price per square foot has increased by 34% from June of 2019 to June of 2022. To put this in perspective: if you purchased a home for $300,000 three years ago, your home is worth approximately $400,000 right now. 

Madison WI Home Prices June 2022 

Single family home inventory

One reason prices have continued to rise is perpetually

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Our buyer traffic data from Showing Time paints a good picture of what's going on in the market right now. Here's a quick overview. 

Aggregate buyer traffic has been decreasing with the rise in mortgage rates. 

Buyer traffic started to decrease in the month of March, as interest rates began to rise. Most recently, showings in South Central Wisconsin decreased 17% in June compared to June of 2021.

Dane County Property Showings June 2022

As inventory has been rising, individual listings have been receiving less traffic.

Here's how listing traffic has been trending for three popular price points.

$300,000 - $399,999

Buyer Traffic for 300k to 400k Listings

$400,000 - $499,999

Buyer Traffic for 400k Listings

$500,000 - $599,999

Buyer Traffic for 500k listings

Where does the Madison area real estate market go from here? 

As we enter a more balanced market this

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Dane County condo prices increased by 2 percent in May and by 8 percent through the first 5 months of the year. We do expect condo prices to continue to increase this summer due to the low inventory in and around Madison. Stay tuned for our regular blog updates, which will offer plenty of market insight in the months ahead.

Madison WI Condo Prices May 2022

Accepted offers

Accepted offers were quite strong in May, given the recent rise in mortgage rates. Signed contracts were lower by 2 percent year-over-year and by 14% year-to-date.

Madison condo accepted offers May 2022

New condo listings

New condo listings came in at the lowest total since 2003. Listings were lower by 13% year-over-year and by 8% year-to-date.

Madison WI New MLS Condo Listings May 2022

Available inventory

Only 119 listings and .8 months of supply were available for sale

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Dane County home prices reached a new high of $219 per square foot in May, which was up 17% from $188 per square foot in May of 2021. Year-to-date, prices are up 15% from the prior year. Price increases will moderate in the coming months as inventory increases and competition decreases. Stay tuned for our monthly reports, which will always be up-to-date with the latest trends in the Madison area market.

Madison WI Home Prices May 2022

Accepted offers

Buyer activity in May was actually quite strong even though interest rates have been rising. Accepted offers decreased 5% from the previous year and were lower by 14% year-to-date.

Madison WI Accepted Offers May 2022

New MLS listings

New single family home listings were up slightly year-over-year, but remained low from an historical context. Low listing

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The word on the street is that Epic Systems has big plans to keep growing. We're hearing that Epic has designs to grow from roughly 11,000 employees right now to 20,000 employees by the year 2030. If these plans do materialize, Epic's growth trajectory will have a huge impact on our local real estate market for decades to come.

the word on the street in madison wi

Our local housing supply is already low, with just over 1,000 single family homes being built annually in Dane County. With Epic's continued growth, the Epic employee base will be absorbing a big portion of those thousand homes being built each year.

Which is one more reason why we believe Dane County will continue to be an ideal place to build wealth through real estate. Our county is currently the fastest growing region

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According to our data from Showing Time, showing activity is decreasing right now, which corresponds with what we are seeing in our day-to-day work out in the field. Here's how showings are trending through the first 20 weeks of the year:

Madison WI Property Showings May 2022

Showings are decreasing in every price range, which is creating a better environment for buyers. On the flip side, sellers are beginning to learn that the fundamentals of pricing, presentation, marketing, and negotiation are becoming vitally important -- once again -- as more balance is beginning to return to our market.

What questions do you have about buying or selling a home in 2022? 

Our team of full-time professionals is here to help you successfully navigate any type of situation in any type of market,

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Lately, many realtors in the area have been noting how the market appears to be a little less intense these last few weeks, and the numbers tend to agree. Here's some fresh insight into the Madison area real estate market with a quick look at listings, showings, and mortgage rates. 

First, the number of available listings is increasing.

In fact, inventory levels right now are the highest they've been all year. Buyers have more properties to choose from right now than in any other point in 2022. 

Madison WI Active Listings May 21 2022

Competition is decreasing. 

As inventory has been increasing, the number of scheduled showings has been moderating. These two trends point to fewer competing offers in the weeks and months ahead. 

Madison WI Property Showings May 2022

Interest rates have been rising. 


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Dane County condo prices continued to reach new highs in the month of April. Here's our latest Madison area condo market update -- covering prices, sales, inventory, days on market, and more. 

Condo prices

The average price per square foot jumped to $205 in April, which was a new record for our market. Prices were up 11% year-over-year and up 10% year-to-date. 

Madison WI Condo Prices April 2022

MLS listings

New listings continue to enter the market at a slow pace, which is one of the reasons why condo prices continue to rise in Dane County. Only 177 condominiums were listed for sale in April -- one of the lowest totals on record for the month. New listings decreased by 6% year-over-year and by 8% year-to-date. 

Madison WI Condo Listings April 2022

Months of supply and available listings

As of May

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