Rights vs responsibilities

Posted by Dan Miller, REALTOR on Monday, June 3rd, 2024 at 5:54am.

More and more, I’m noticing businesses choosing to exercise their legal rights -- based on language that is spelled out in some sort of fine print. Sometimes it involves making demands for money, threatening to sue, or following through with a lawsuit. In other cases, it’s using the fine print as a justification to do substandard work. 

But before we exercise our legal rights, it might be helpful to think about how our own fears and actions might be contributing to the conflict. And how a conversation with the other party might help us come up with a long-term solution that is better for everyone. 

Sure, there are times when we absolutely need to exercise our legal rights. But we should also examine our own responsibilities before we decide to lawyer up.  

This article is published courtesy of:
Dan Miller, REALTOR
Mad City Dream Homes & RE/MAX Preferred
1619 Monroe Street #1, Madison, WI, 53711

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