Our team model means exceptional customer service

Posted by Dan Miller, REALTOR on Friday, July 26th, 2019 at 5:27am.

The Mad City Dream Homes team works in a unique way. While many Realtors work independently, our team works together, combining our unique skills and abilities to best serve clients’ needs.

Mad City Dream Homes Customer Service Model

Our buying and selling team

Tammy Steiner serves as a showing agent. She makes her schedule available, days, nights and weekends, to make sure buyers can attend showings as soon as properties are listed. “In this market, getting in the door quickly can be the key to actually finding, and getting an accepted offer on your property of choice,” she said.

Shelley Lazzareschi, Dan Miller, Maureen Moran and Chris Venden fill the roles of all-around agents.  Any member of the team is available to bring clients to showings, coordinate contracts, and provide expertise on the real estate process. “It’s a great benefit, in a hot market, to know that there are enough of us to make sure someone is available to our clients at all times,” said Maureen. “We love helping clients buy and sell, and making sure their unique needs are met, all along the way.”

The team has a combined experience of more than 60 years - and are well-versed as both buyer’s agents and listing agents.

As buyer’s agents, the team writes the contracts, maintains contact with the listing agent, and makes sure that all details are managed well, and all deadlines are met. Each member of the team also negotiates the contracts, to help our buyers get the best opportunities to purchase a property. “Having a personal touch with the other agents and sellers can make all the difference when we negotiate an offer. I make it a point to speak with the other parties, and not rely on just emails and texts. You learn so much more when you pick up the phone,” Chris Venden said.

As listing agents, the team coordinates the staging and introductory plans to ensure top-notch listings. “Having an awesome listing positions our sellers to get the highest offers possible, and to have a strong position for all negotiations,” Dan Miller said. The Mad City Dream Homes team’s plans for sellers are detailed here, but include “coming soon” previews to generate more interest in the properties for sale.

In addition, our team includes writers, photographers, videographers, and graphic artists who capture the homes and neighborhoods we feature - and create a professional and polished listing presentation.

“Our team is a cohesive group. We aren’t competing against each other. We work well together, to ensure that each client gets the timely, personalized service and attention they deserve,” said Shelley.

Recent customer service examples

Some recent, exceptional service stories include:

Preparing a home for sale: It is normal for our team to participate in the staging of the homes we list. We have moved furniture, cleaned spaces, and rearranged items, all to make sure the listing photos are perfect. Recently, Dan and Shelley helped a seller move all their furniture, clean their property, and get good photos. Before the day ended, they returned all furniture to its initial place, in order to meet the seller’s needs and preferences. “We will do whatever it takes to get the best photos,” says Shelley. “It benefits our clients to have the most impressive images online. That’s how the showings start.”

Hosting out of town buyers: “Our team knows that relocating can be difficult, and that’s one of many reasons why our website includes detailed neighborhood guides, to coordinate with any listing our buyers view,” said Dan.  Tammy recently helped a buyer once they arrived in town. She picked them up at the airport, provided transportation to their hotel, and gave them tours of the city, even before they began house hunting. “It helped our buyer to see the area firsthand, learn about the parks, shopping and opportunities, and then target the places where they would view properties,” she said.

Providing excellent virtual service: Shelley and Chris have both worked with clients that couldn’t be in town to see homes firsthand. So, they provided virtual tours of potential homes. “This helped our out-of-state buyers to see properties before they took the time to come visit. They were able to determine the features they liked, and didn’t like, and narrow options down,” said Chris. In addition, the team has attended inspections, taken detailed notes, and even helped buyers submit an offer without actually coming to town first.

Showing sensitivity to a buyer’s unique needs: Maureen recently worked with a client who had several family members, and no vehicle. She knew they would be well-suited for properties near public transportation. She worked hard to find the right properties, and located one that met their needs well. In the meantime, she provided transportation to this family, to help them view the property, get to the bank, arrange for their closing and more. “We're really good at sensing when someone needs extra support, and we try to fill in where we can,” she said.

The team takes great pride in the way we do business. Over time, it has meant coordinating work that needs to be done at a property, serving as the key contact for contractors, gathering estimates and even being present at a property so that work can be done. “We want to take the pressure off our clients, and help them enjoy the process as much as possible,” Maureen said. Dan agreed, “We're a group of hard-working agents, here to do our best job each day, and help each client achieve their specific goals."

To learn more about the Mad City Dream Homes team, see our profiles here, or contact us today.

This article is published courtesy of:
Dan Miller, REALTOR
Mad City Dream Homes & RE/MAX Preferred
1619 Monroe Street #1, Madison, WI, 53711

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