A deep dive into Madison area home prices (updated for March, 2023)

Posted by Dan Miller, REALTOR on Friday, April 7th, 2023 at 3:20pm.

We'll be publishing our Dane County single family home report real soon. In the meantime, here's our latest look at home prices in the Madison area. 

Price per square foot, average price, and median price

Madison area home prices continued to rise in the month of March, and by all measures. The price per square foot rose to $217, up 4% from the year before. The average price rose to $482,939 (up 10%). And the median price rose to $426,500 (up 8%).

Madison WI price per square foot

Prices by price range

This chart shows Dane County home prices by percentile, from the 10th percentile all the way up to the 90th. As the graph shows, March home prices are up at every point along the price spectrum -- at the low end, at the mid-range, and at the high-end, too.

Madison home prices by percentile March 2023

The takeaway

You'll see many headlines right now which suggest that prices are falling, but when you dig a little deeper you'll also see that those headlines apply to other markets. This is just another example of why it's so important to rely on a trusted, local source for your real estate information. 

Do you have questions about buying, selling, or the state of the market? We're always available for a conversation, and we'd love to help. 

This article is published courtesy of:
Dan Miller, REALTOR
Mad City Dream Homes & RE/MAX Preferred
1619 Monroe Street #1, Madison, WI, 53711

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